Slowing Down In Rovinj, Croatia
A week in one of Croatia’s most beautiful cities As I sip on a cocktail in my hotel lobby in Venice, Italy I find myself reflecting on the most recent FloYo Travel’s adventure… in Rovinj, Croatia. Let’s backtrack a bit…It is January 2023 and I have just had my first call with SoulFire Collective, a…
October 20, 2023
Thank you, Bali!
After 3+ long years of waiting, our FloYo Travels Bali Retreat has finally taken place! We have now been home for 5 days and when people ask, “How was Bali”? It is almost impossible to answer. How do you put into a few words an experience that has changed your entire perspective of the world?…
April 9, 2023
The next big adventure!
Coming this September…. You know that FloYo and FloYo Travels is all about adventures and I am so excited to announce my biggest adventure yet….the journey to motherhood! Justin and I are expecting a baby girl in late September 2021! I wanted you, my FloYo Travels Crew, to be the first to know about this…
May 18, 2021
A Standup Paddle boarders Gift Guide
Gift-giving isn’t always easy, but we are hoping to make it a bit less stressful for you this year! If you have some stand up paddle enthusiasts on your list- look no further than our holiday gift guide! Here we share our top 5 picks for paddlers this holiday season. Yolo Paddle A good…
December 14, 2018
Finding Freedom Through Releasing Fear
We all face fear every single day. And I am not necessarily talking about the fear that might first pop into your mind when you think of the word fear. Sure, maybe you have a fear of sharks or fear of heights. Those fears may be significant but they also may not show up every…
March 27, 2017
Spring Cleaning For The Mind
As we continue with our March theme of Mindfulness, this week’s Monday Morning Meditation is focused on clearing the clutter from our minds. But, isn’t that the basic conecpt of meditation…clearing out all the mental junk? Yes, and no! Meditation teaches us to be present, meditation also helps us become less anxious and more self…
March 20, 2017
Meditation Monday #1
As noted in my last post about our mindfulness theme, this month I will be sharing 4 five-minute meditations. The idea is to start your week on am mindful note, so I hope you will listen to our first one tomorrow morning. In addition to adding more mindfulness to my daily routine this month, I…
March 5, 2017
Mindful March
My theme for March is mindfulness. Although its roots go back to Buddhist meditation, mindfulness has made its way into American mainstream in the last several years. Thanks to countless studies, which have documented the physical and mental benefits of mindfulness, schools, prisons, hospitals and more have now adapted mindfulness programs into their offerings….
March 2, 2017
Adventures in SUP Surfing…Down Under
I’ve always wanted to be a surfer. And, I’ve travelled to some of the most amazing surf locations in the world. But guess what? I’ve never surfed….until now! I remember when I decided to study abroad at Sydney University in 2008. I though, “This is my chance! I will be living just minutes from Bondi…
February 26, 2017
Drop Fear.
FloYo instructor, Katie FIcca, first discovered the freedom of paddleboard yoga on an indoor pool in Baltimore, MD. Katie shares her story of how yoga has helped her conquer her fears and live life free of limitations. “We all have both light & dark inside us, what matters is the part we choose to act…
January 11, 2017
FloYo Goes Down Under!
10 years ago, almost to the day, I made a promise to myself to return to Australia by the time I was 30. I not only wanted to return but I wanted to come back and live here. You see, I had been studying abroad at Sydney Uni for 6 months and there was…
January 4, 2017